June 7, 2024Office Closed June 11-14, 2024The office will be open Monday, June 10th, then will close for the rest of the week. The office will open again Monday, June 17.
June 7, 2024No Masses June 10-14, 2024Fr. Luis will be on vacation June 10-14. Because of this, we will not have daily Mass, Confessions, nor Adoration during this week. We invite you […]
June 3, 2024Liturgy Schedule Change in JulyStarting Monday, July 1st, our liturgy schedule will change along with our office hours. Sunday Mass Schedule Vigil Mass: Saturday 5pm English Sunday Mass: Sunday 9am […]
May 10, 2024Youth Group Not Meeting SundayYouth Group will not meet this Sunday, May 12th. Happy Mother’s Day!